
Enterprises with precision components

Ningbo Shunyi Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd. 10 million sets of high-end new energy air conditioning aluminum alloy precision scroll plate project environmental impact assessment announcement


According to the "Management Measures for Environmental Protection of Construction Projects in Zhejiang Province" (Provincial Government Order No. 288), the relevant information about this project is hereby notified to the public as follows:

1. Project Overview
Project Name: 10 million sets of high-end new energy air conditioning aluminum alloy precision scroll disc project
Construction unit: Ningbo Shunyi Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd.
Construction location: No. 63 Haiwei Avenue, West Zone, Guanhaiwei Town Industrial Park, Cixi City
Construction nature: Technical renovation

Construction scale: 10 million sets of high-end new energy air conditioning aluminum alloy precision scroll plates

2. Overview of the potential impact of the project on the environment
Waste gas: The waste gas generated by this project mainly includes melting waste gas, die-casting waste gas, acid mist waste gas, steam boiler waste gas, and foul odor from the wastewater treatment station< Br/> Wastewater: The wastewater of this project includes acid-base wastewater, nickel containing wastewater, spray wastewater, boiler drainage, initial rainwater, and domestic sewage< Br/> Noise: The noise of this project mainly includes the operating noise of mechanical equipment and the operating noise of auxiliary equipment< Br/> Solid waste: The solid waste generated in this project includes furnace slag, waste corundum, waste metal scraps, process tank slag, waste filter element, waste water reuse filter medium, scrap hardware, waste ion exchange resin, waste chemical packaging, sediment, waste liquid pressure oil, sludge, and household waste< Br/> By taking comprehensive and reliable pollution prevention and control measures, it has been preliminarily determined that the pollutant emissions of this project can meet the corresponding standards, without reducing the local environmental quality category, and the impact on the surrounding environment is within the allowable range.

3. Countermeasures and measures to prevent or mitigate adverse environmental impacts

The countermeasures for preventing or mitigating adverse environmental impacts of the project are summarized in the table below:

Summary of Pollution Prevention and Control Measures

Content Elements Discharge outlet (number, name)/pollution source Pollutant projects Environmental Protection Measures Executive standards
Atmospheric environment Melting waste gas (including natural gas combustion waste gas) particulate matter 、SO2、NOx After being treated with water spray, the gas is collected separately and discharged into an exhaust funnel (DA001) at a height of no less than 15m Discharge port DA001, exhaust emissions meet the requirements of Table 1 of the "Emission Standards for Air Pollutants in the Foundry Industry" (GB39726-2020) for air pollutant emissions
Waste gas from die casting Particulate matter, non methane total hydrocarbons
Sand blasting waste gas particulate matter The collected gas is discharged into an exhaust funnel (DA002) at a height of no less than 15m after being treated with its own bag type dust collector Discharge port DA002, particulate matter meets the requirements of Table 1 Atmospheric Pollutant Emission Limits in the "Emission Standards for Air Pollutants in the Foundry Industry" (GB39726-2020)
Acid mist exhaust gas Sulfuric Acid Mist After being treated with alkali solution spray, the collected gas is discharged into an exhaust funnel (DA003, DA004, DA005) at a height of no less than 15m The discharge outlets DA003~DA005, sulfuric acid mist, comply with the requirements of Table 5 "Emission Limits for Air Pollutants from Newly Built Enterprises" in the "Emission Standards for Electroplating Pollutants" (GB21900-2008)
Steam boiler exhaust gas Smoke blackness and particulate matter、SO2、NOx The gas is discharged through an exhaust funnel (DA006) with a height of no less than 15m Discharge port DA006, with emissions meeting the limits specified in the "Boiler Air Pollutant Emission Standard" (GB13271-2014)
Odor from wastewater treatment station Concentration of hydrogen sulfide, ammonia, and odor Collected and treated with water spray and discharged at a height of no less than 15 meters through an exhaust funnel (DA007) The discharge outlet DA007 meets the limit values in the "Emission Standard for Odor Pollutants" (GB14554-93)
surface water environment Acid alkali wastewater PH, CODcr, ammonia nitrogen, petroleum, total nitrogen, total phosphorus, aluminum, LAS, fluoride, copper Acid alkali wastewater treatment system+reclaimed water reuse system The total nickel at the pre-treatment discharge outlet of nickel containing wastewater and the pH at the total discharge outlet of the wastewater shall comply with the water pollutant discharge requirements in Table 1 of the "Electroplating Water Pollutant Discharge Standard" (DB33/2260-2020); For factors that are not required in indirect emissions, meet the requirements for sewage treatment plant takeover: the discharge of pollutants such as COD, petroleum, suspended solids, sulfides, and petroleum shall comply with the third level standard of the Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996); The discharge of ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus meets the requirements of the "Indirect Emission Limits of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollutants in Industrial Enterprise Wastewater" (DB33/887-2013), and the total nitrogen is discharged into the urban sewage pipeline network in accordance with the "Water Quality Standards for Sewage Discharged into Urban Sewers" (GB/T31962-2015)
nickel-containing wastewater pH、CODcr、nickel Nickel containing wastewater treatment system+reclaimed water reuse system
Treatment of Spray Wastewater from Acid Mist Waste Gas pH、CODcr、Ammonia nitrogen 、LAS Acid alkali wastewater treatment system+reclaimed water reuse system
Treatment of Spray Wastewater from Waste Gas from Melting Die Casting pH、CODcr、SS、petroleum 、LAS
Boiler drainage CODcr
initial rainwater pH、COD、petroleum
domestic sewage pH、CODcr、Ammonia nitrogen Relying on the treatment of septic tanks in the landlord's factory and discharging them through the landlord's domestic sewage discharge outlet The third level standard of the Comprehensive Wastewater Discharge Standard (GB8978-1996); The discharge of ammonia nitrogen and total phosphorus meets the requirements of the "Indirect Emission Limits of Nitrogen and Phosphorus Pollutants in Industrial Enterprise Wastewater" (DB33/887-2013)
acoustic environment Equipment operation noise, etc laeq Select low noise equipment, foundation vibration reduction, indoor installation, and wall sound insulation Class 3 standard limits in the "Emission Standard for Industrial Enterprise Boundary Environmental Noise" (GB12348-2008)
electromagnetic radiation /
solid waste General industrial solid waste: 1. There is a 15m2general industrial solid waste temporary storage area on the south side of the factory area; 2. Scrap metal scraps, waste films, waste diamonds, and scrap hardware are collected and sold externally; Hazardous waste: 1. There is a 36m2hazardous waste temporary storage area on the south side of the factory area; 2. Waste chemical packaging materials, oxidation line slot slag, furnace slag, waste liquid pressure oil, sediment, waste filter element, waste water reuse filter medium, sludge, and integrated ash are temporarily stored in hazardous waste collection rooms and entrusted to qualified units for treatment. Domestic waste: entrusted to the environmental sanitation department for treatment.

4. Main environmental impact conclusions

If this project can effectively implement the environmental protection measures proposed in this environmental assessment, strictly implement the "three simultaneities", strengthen environmental management work, ensure the standard discharge of pollutants, and achieve coordinated development of the environment and economy, from the perspective of environmental protection, the construction of this project is feasible.

5. Scope and main matters of soliciting public opinion
(1) Survey scope: Residents, enterprises, institutions, social organizations, etc. around the project (limited to environmental protection aspects of this project).

(2) Main matters: ① Whether the project is approved or not, and if there are objections, propose the main objections; ② The potential impact of the construction of this project on the surrounding environment; ③ Reasonable suggestions for environmental protection measures of this project; ④ Other ideas and suggestions related to environmental protection.

6. Specific forms of soliciting public opinion
The public can express their opinions on the project to the construction unit or environmental impact assessment unit through letters, phone calls, emails, and other means.
① Feedback
② The deadline for public opinions is from August 7, 2023 to August 18, 2023.

③ Contact information:

Unit Name Contacts Phone
Enterprise: Ningbo Shunyi Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd Hu Gong +86-15067415518
Environmental Impact Assessment Unit: Zhejiang Renxin Environmental Science Institute Co., Ltd Song Gong 55000308

Announcement issued by: Ningbo Shunyi Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd
Announcement release time: August 7, 2023日
Publicity version - Ningbo Shunyi Precision Manufacturing Co., Ltd

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